My Name is Jonas

Jonas joined our branch of the clan in mid December, 2007. We couldn't be more excited to have him around, and since you're not here to hang out with him, we thought we'd give you a little peek into his world.

My Photo
Location: Provo, UT, United States

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

An Event Nine Months in the Making

Jonas has joined our little circus! He's here! Hey, he's the main attraction! This blog is going to be all about him - and us too as far as our lives revolve around him. We're excited to share with you some of his discoveries, stumbles, and triumphs! Consider this a little window to his life, if you will. Unfortunately, he hasn't perfected his typing skills yet, so he's assigned us to make his entries for him. He'd love to hear from you. Pipe up in the comments or send Jonas an email.

Here are some photos from his very first couple days! Isn't he handsome!